Save Up To 40% On Your Monthly Heating Bill With Power Pipe

power pipe renewable heating source


Power Pipe is one of the most affordable and effective sources of renewable energy used in today’s construction. In traditional homes ⅓ of the energy consumed comes from our hot water showers, where valuable hot water touches our skin for mere seconds before becoming sewage. In most homes, 90% of this energy gets washed down the drain never to be used again. The Power-Pipe heat recovery system can retain up to 60%of this heat loss, saving up to 40% of your monthly heating bill, while increasing your hot water capacity.

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Power Pipes consist of several coils of copper that are wrapped tightly together around a main central drain. Incoming cold water moving up the coils is warmed up by hot water going down the main drain. This exclusive design provides efficient heat exchange greater than any other system on the market. Powe -Pipes are easily installed and compatible with any current or new heating system and pay themselves off within 2-5 years. With no moving parts and a durable build that easily lasts 50 years, this system is a long term solution to reducing your home’s carbon footprint.


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