Custom Homes: How Smart Can Your Custom Home Be?

luxury smart home

Possibly the hottest topic in custom home building today is the “Smart Home.” But what exactly does a Smart Home include? Is it a fully self-sustaining home that pretty much does your dishes for you and cooks your breakfast? Not so much. Is it that robotic voice that replies with your daily agenda when you ask it to read you your daily schedule? Well, yes and no. Today’s smart homes can do pretty much anything you’ve seen in the movies; it all just depends on how much you are willing to invest in it.

In its essence, a smart home uses Bluetooth, WiFi, or similar technologies to control the utilities in your home remotely or from a hub in your home. According to custom home builders from Rovimat Group, a home doesn’t have to be fully automated to be called a smart home. You can choose between numerous upgrades and products to improve your home. The custom home experts at Rovimat have done some pretty amazing custom home upgrades that make life a whole lot easier. Here are just some of them:


custom homeSmart lighting solutions in custom homes are nothing new on the market, and there are many ways you can customize them according to your personal preferences and needs. With built in sensors that adjust brightness depending on how much natural light there is in a room at a certain time of the day to motion sensors and changing colours, smart lighting allows you full control over lighting.


A custom home can give you full control over an integrated sound system throughout the entire house. You can set up night time nurseries rhymer for you little one or have the tv turn on when you pull up to the driveway. You can also have a set time for all tvs to turn off in the house and much more!


Modern technology can help you improve the security of your home significantly. From getting remote access to your house, doors automatically locking when you leave the house, remote viewing of your home and detecting any leaks or issues that may happen while you are away, smart systems offer upgraded safety features for your loved ones.


custom home project torontoFrom water that vibrates with soundwaves from music while you’re in the bath to even smart features that reduce how much water is spent during showers, there are plenty of smart bathroom features that will take “me time” to a whole new level.

Some of these smart systems are:

Smart door locks – You can lock and unlock your door through a phone app.

Indoor and doorbell cameras – You can be in control of everything that happens inside and outside your household with cameras connected to your home 24/7.

Mold and water leak sensors – Modern systems can have sensors located at key points in your home and use the existing electrical network to detect changes in humidity levels and leaks.

Smoke detection – Many smoke detectors have the option to connect them to WiFi and send alerts to your phone when an alarm is activated or when its batteries are low.

Other Advanced Features

There are plenty of other smart home features that are designed to make your life much easier. For example:

  • Your smart home can be so advanced that you can enable weekly/daily reminders such as garbage and recycling day.
  • You can also control the climate control of your house, which comes very handy whether you are home or not, or reduce humidity in bathrooms with a fan that will kick on when a certain humidity level is reached.
  • Humidity levels can also be controlled through a smart device. All you need is WiFi and a mobile device, and you’ll be able to control the humidity levels in your home remotely.

When it comes to modern-day technology and smart homes, the possibilities are endless. It’s all just a matter of how much you want to customize, your budget, and of course, finding the right contractor to build your custom home. With over 20 years building custom homes in Toronto and the surrounding areas, Rovimat Group has the experience and skills to customize your dream home to exactly what you’ve envisioned. Let our team show you how smart your home can be! Talk to us today at (647) 808-2509.